Painted turtles live in the slow waters across most of Montana. They prefer ponds and lakes with muddy bottoms and lots of aquatic plants, but they are cold-adapted and will sometimes show up in streams and rivers. They spend the winter underwater, often submerged in the mud. In the spring they'll quietly emerge to sun on partially submerged logs. They'll start eating again in early summer when temperatures warm back up. They'll eat pretty much anything they can catch, and individual turtles that eat mostly animal matter (worms, insects, small fish) will grow faster and bigger than the ones that eat mostly plants.
Painted turtles mature slowly. Springtime courtship begins with mature males (3+ years) facing off with mature females (6+ years). His front claws are twice as long as hers, and he uses them to slowly stroke her head. If she is sufficiently impressed, then 6-20 eggs will be laid and buried in a sandy nest that is often located on a sunny bank. Nests can be hundreds of yards from water.

Turtles do not migrate, but sometimes they will travel considerable distances to seek out a different pond or lake (which is critical to maintaining genetic diversity). Highway mortality -- along with water pollution and pet trade -- can lead to significant juvenile mortality. Whenever you see a turtle on or along the road, give her an assist. Whichever direction she's facing when you first spot her, carry her off in that direction across the road and well beyond. You'll be doing your part to keep your neighborhood wild and free.